Before moving into a residential care, you must go through an assessment for a placement by the Aged Care Assessment Team. ACATs are known Aged Care Assessment Services (ACAS) in Victoria. ACAT assessment will determine whether you require high or low level care respite care or simply permanent residential care without high or low distinction after 1 July 2014. Contact with the ACAT team can be made directly by you, a family member or your GP. ACAT is a government funded service therefore no payments are required for assessment by the ACAT representative. Click here for ACAT finder or if you require more information, please contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.


Application Submission

The following steps are:

  • Complete On Luck "Application for Permanent/Respite Aged Care Services Form" (see Forms & Documents section)

  • Provide us with a copy of your ACAT Assessment at the time of submitting your application (click here for ACAT finder)

  • Provide us with your income and Assets Report from Centrelink or Pre Commencement Fee Letter (please refer to Aged Care Fees Charges section & Forms and Documents section)

  • To protect your privacy and confidentiality, we will provide you with a copy of our Australian Privacy Policy Consent Statement and you are required to complete and return the signed On Luck APP Privacy Policy Consent Statement Form.

  • Provide a completed “Enduring power of attorney appointment form” for both personal and financial matters (please refer to Forms & Documents section)

  • Provide a completed “Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker” (please refer to  Forms & Documents section)


Admission Policy

Being the largest non-profit making welfare service provider for the Chinese-Victorian community, On Luck Chinese Nursing Home is funded by the Australian Government and operates under the relevant legislation. This means that we will prioritise places to individuals with the highest care needs and not those who have had their name on the waiting list for the longest time. Other factors such as benefits for the applicant and family if he/she is admitted into On Luck Chinese Nursing Home, the prospective applicant's readiness to enter an aged care home, and the capacity of our staff to provide the kind level of care needed for the prospective applicant are taken into consideration during the selection process. Therefore, all applicants are required to be assessed individually by the Director of Nursing against the selection criteria.

We are committed to providing quality, affordable and accessible aged care services regardless of the financial circumstances of applicants. All applicants are required to go through a combined Assets and Income Assessment conducted by Department of Social Services to ensure low asset or income residents received government subsidies to cover the accommodation costs.


What Happens When You Are Offered a Place in On Luck Chinese Nursing Home?

All applications are considered on a priority basis rather than on the length of time you have spent on the waiting list. Also, all applications are accepted in good faith that you want to move into On Luck Chines Nursing Home from the lodgement of your application. When you are offered a place at our nursing home, there will not be much time for you to decide on the placement offer.


Residential Care Service Agreement

A Residential Care Service Agreement is required to be signed before a prospective resident moves into On Luck Chinese Nursing Home. We encourage you to make early preparations and allow sufficient time to discuss the Agreement with your carer, family and/or your representative. We also suggest that you seek advice from your financial planner and/or a legal professional to ensure that you have a good understanding of the terms and conditions prior to signing this agreement.