Community Services



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華人社區社會服務中心即將於2020年10月19日至22日在網上舉行一系列免費健康講座及大抽獎, 這是由Good Things Foundation組織在線週 (Get Online Week) 活動的一部分,旨在提高大眾數位技能及推廣網上學習。健康講座將以粵語和普通話在Zoom 進行, 並且向公眾開放。所有活動將由我們資深註冊護士及資深註冊職業治療師提供。

  •     19/10/2020 -健康在我手 (粵語)
  •     20/10/2020 -健康在我手 (國語)
  •     21/10/2020 -居家健康運動 (粵語)
  •     22/10/2020 -居家健康運動 (國語)



我們歡迎任何人參加此活動。詳情請參閱我們宣傳海報瀏覽我們微信公眾號發布的消息或致電我們 (03)88480288 / (03)98981965

Chinese Community Social Services Centre is excited to announce our upcoming online event between 19th to 22nd October 2020 as part of get online week organised by Good Things Foundation– a series of health information sessions aimed at giving everyone a chance to find the support they need to improve their digital skills. The free information sessions will be running in both Cantonese and Mandarin online via zoom by our senior Registered Nurse and Occupational Therapist. These events are open to public. We welcome anyone to participate in this event.

  •     19/10/2020 – Self Health Management talk by Registered nurse (Cantonese)
  •     20/10/2020 - Self Health Management talk by Registered nurse (Mandarin)
  •     21/10/2020 – Back education and gentle stretching exercise by Registered Occupational Therapist (Cantonese)
  •     22/10/2020 - Back education and gentle stretching exercise by Registered Occupational Therapist (Mandarin)

**Direct link to access to these sessions:

Attendants can enter our Lucky Draw to win a great prize. All participants who register for the lucky draw will receive a small gift and a copy of the COVID-19 handbook. The quantity is limited, first come first served, while stock lasts.

For further information, please refer to our poster or our post on wechat public page or contact us on (03)88480288 or (03)98981965


2018年8月22日,老年服務部長、原住民衛生部長Ken Wyatt議員在堪培拉議會大廈發起Speak My Language(‘說我的語言’)全國項目。查看詳情請點擊.

The Minister For Ageing and Indigenous Health, the Honourable Ken Wyatt AM, MP launched the National ‘Speak My Language’ program at Parliament House in Canberra on August 22nd, 2018. Click here for more information.


歡迎致電李姑娘/麥姑娘 (03) 9898 1965

For any enquiries, please contact Brigitta Lee/ Yanyan Mak on (03) 9898 1965



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