Short-Term Restorative Care (STRC) is a government funded, innovative, up to 8-weeks (56days) programme that provides a range of care and services to optimise functioning and independence of older people and to reverse and/or slow functional decline in order to help them continue living in their own home.
Function decline is defined as
At Chinese Community Social Services Centre, your case manager will coordinate and support your STRC journey in your home along with your GP and Allied Health Practitioners to achieve positive outcomes based on your goals and preference.
You, a family member, a friend or a support worker can contact My Aged Care (MAC) Centre and make a referral. Call MAC on 1800 200 422 or visit their website on
If you do not speak English, you can contact Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. You can use TIS which is free of charge to call My Aged Care. When you call TIS, an operator will ask you what language you need. Tell the operator in English the language you speak. The operator will then connect you with an interpreter who speaks your language and help you to call My Aged Care Centre.
For more information or to request for assistance, you can also contact us on (03)98981965 or (03) 8848 0288, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our Doncaster office or Box Hill office
There is currently no out of pocket cost for this program if you are deemed eligible by ACAS.
Please click here to download and read our STRC brochure